Domestic Waste Treatment Systems
Domestic Waste Treatment Systems in small and medium-sized residential units sites, holiday villages, municipalities, hospitals, hotels, schools, factories, construction sites and so on. It is used for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Package Waste Water Treatment Plants are designed according to SBR System; filling, aeration, sedimentation and discharge stages are carried out sequentially in a single reactor. These are the construction or package type systems in which human source wastewater is subjected to biological treatment process to make it suitable for wastewater discharge limits or recovered for irrigation purposes.
Domestic Waste Treatment Systems It is a package unit containing all the units that should be in biological treatment systems. Air diffusers used in our units are original imported origin high oxygen transfer and non-clogging membrane type rubber diffusers that give much better quality air bubbles than their counterparts.
Domestic Waste Treatment Systems include feed pump, blower, diffusers, circulation pump, discharge pump and control panel. Package treatment is made of 5 mm thick sheet material and painted with epoxy paint which is highly resistant to internal and external corrosion.
![Evsel atık arıtma sistemleri]()
Domestic Waste Treatment Systems, which is one of the services we provide with our 25 years of experience, is working with our strength to produce customer satisfaction oriented projects in the best way with our young and dynamic expert team in parallel with the developing technology.
Characteristics of Domestic Waste Treatment Systems;
• Fast production and easy assembly
• Minimum Space Requirement
• Low Energy Consumption
• Modular Capacity Increase
• Does not make odors, flies and noise
• Extremely easy to operate and smooth
• High purification efficiency
• Fully automatic operation
• No need for continuous human intervention